So, my dear fellow bloggers, facebookers..... etc. etc. Here I am yet again surfing and typing my heart away on this computer. I have completely chosen a 180 degree path change for my life: including renaming this blog. So, I find it only fitting that I should bring up a movie that most closely resembles my life in these most recent series of moments I have lived so far. The feature film being, what else, but Under the Tuscan Sun.
After a very recent divorce, Francesca gets talked into going on a tour of Tuscany to get away and while there sees a villa she decides on the spur of the moment to buy with the little bit of money left to her name... And thus begins her journey of her new life.
How can I NOT compare this movie to my own life?.... More of a rhetorical question than an actual one, I suppose.
So, if I was to review the movie but edit in the blanks from my own life what would it sound like.....
After a very recent break-up and death of three close family members, Katalin on the spur of the moment decides to move to San Antonio and take her dog and the last little bit of money and the last bit of sanity she has with her. And thus .... well, is the end of yet another sad chapter in her series of unfortunate events and the beginning of a series of random perchance occasions she puts herself in and at times just "coincidently" finds herself in.
Aaaaaand I have had someone tell me that I am boring, and that I am sad, AGAIN.. and that I should get "dolled" up and go out and dance and "find a boyfriend." I laugh out loud and think, "Is it really that simple?" L.O.L. And I have had someone tell me that when you stop looking so hard for something and just go with the flow, it will usually show up on its own. ...
So, I put myself on the path I want every morning and I wait to see what happens.... ...
Today, I got up, drank two RedBulls, ate breakfast, started laundry, took a nap, drank another RedBull, got out, ate a hamburger kid's meal with apples instead of fries and a strawberry lemonade, spent time with my aunt, uncle, and two cousins, went to the bookstore and picked out a book (duh, can never leave there without one...) and then came home, ate popcorn shrimp and put on Stranger Than Fiction for my grandparents to watch.
I'm not sure what this all adds up to.... But little...well, fully am I aware that...
This is what I do, this is who I am. ...
And tomorrow I will go to work, and let the day do the rest. Who knows, maybe I'll do something awesome like .... stumble across a ladybug...
or invent a cake made out of cake doughnuts....or indulge in cookies and milk after an atrocious day. Who knows? I don't. But I know it'll be awesome. Because it's mine... and no one else's.
This is what I'm going to do.... and this is who I am going to be...