Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blast From the Past

Good afternoon my darlings, it is a gorgeous and breezy day, not hot, not cold, very reminiscent of those perfect soft yellow light days from childhood, when no matter what is happening in the world around you, nature is a gentle glow all around.

I just wanted to pop in for a quick hello. I recently watched the movie Blast From the Past featuring Brendan Fraser in his youth, Sissy Spacek, and Christopher Walken. It begins in 1965, with the news of the Cuban missile crisis. It is about two soon-to-be parents that end up locked (for the next thirty-five years) in their fall out shelter. Brendan Fraser is their son born in the fall out shelter, and raised his whole life underground, his immediate family believing that the world above is radioactive due to an atom bomb they assumed was dropped.

There are so many sweet and moral attributes to this nineties movie, that I encourage you to rent it or at the least look it up and give it a try. It's funny and sweet, and very enjoyable.

Have a good rest of your afternoon darlings, be safe as always=)

With a passing sense of lemon-choly,

Read Riding Hood