Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Princess Bride



      It is a balmy autumn afternoon, I am finally not just off work, but finally home after sitting in traffic for an hour. Oh yea!

So, I finished eating my humble dinner, feeding zee pooch and am now going to blog and tell you all lovely peepsters about a movie you are probably familiar with already, but I'd like to ramble on about anyway.

 I am watching the Princess Bride. This movie was made in 1987, a year before I was even born. It is about a country girl, Buttercup, that falls in love with the farm boy, Wesley who loved her before she ever even realized he did. They must overcome the obstacles of time, separation, pirates, fire swamps, huge rodents, torture, eels, six-fingered men, and an evil prince. But despite it all, they overcome it all because they have true-love. And as Wesley tells Buttercup when she asks how he can be so sure they will see each other again, "This is true love.... Do you think this happens every day?"

This movie is random and brilliant. Cary Elwes and Robin Wright Penn are still young and fresh faced. True love conquers all. It is refreshing to watch in its uniqueness and comforting in its charismatic nostalgia. It is sweet optimism in its childlike faith and belief in the everlasting emotion of true love.

I love this movie. I don't have much more to say. I'm just enjoying watching the movie. So, I hope your Sunday is hope filled and optimism abounds to carry you into a productive and positive Monday. .

Good evening my darlings,

Read Riding Hood

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