Monday, April 19, 2010

I Should Be Polite

It is the same day and here I am blogging again, and it isn't even about Ponyo still. I suppose I should introduce myself. I am a twenty-one year old female going on twenty-two. I am at a loss what to do with myself at this point in my life. It's strange, because there's either two ways to approach this point in one's life: live life like a party, or be studious and plan ahead. I'm actually neither. If I were to describe my life-style, it would sound more like a middle-aged person already settled down, even though I am not settled down. Far from being settled, I live on a couch. It has been an exciting couch. I wonder where I will end up next. I have settled into limbo due to the fact I don't know how to have my cake and eat it too. I keep holding out till I can figure out how to. And in the meantime, I just live my life. I work full-time at Wal-Mart, and go out to eat. I cook at home, I read (a lot,) and I watch movies. I know how to live alone and I have lived alone, but I don't like to. I do like to write and talk about movies. Being a theater student on hold (perhaps permanently) I like experiencing most things on stage or on screen. And also since I am working towards being bilingualy fluent, foreign films interest me as well.
So, here I am in limbo, older than twenty-one, but not quite twenty-two, starting a blog about one of my passions. It isn't even that I am passionate about the movie itself, but the enjoyment I get from watching them. Here's to Peace, Love, and Popcorn grease...(because usually all those things have occurred alongside the few decades of films tucked away in my mind.)

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