Thursday, April 29, 2010

Revisiting Legally Blonde

It is a late Thursday night. I stayed up to revisit a movie that used to make me feel less serious. I've always been too serious about everything. A pen-pal of mine (yes, I have a pen-pal, from almost ten years ago,) used to enjoy it as well. She is a more relaxed and fashionable person than I am, but I digress.
This movie is ridiculous. It is pink overload with blonde highlights and a pinch of brains. It is, in short, intelligence with lip-gloss. How fruity is that? Fruitier than ambrosia salad, and sweeter, I say. I love watching Elle Woods evolve from fashion major to law student graduate and still maintain her roots, pun totally intended. While the plot isn't a new one, the theme reminds me clearly of the old adage that says to remember your past, but not to let it control who you are; just because everyone sees you as a "dumb blonde" doesn't make you one: only you decide who you are.
I liked the daring idea that a ditzy girl would go to such great lengths to win back a guy she loves. And I liked even more the fact, that she sticks to her conviction, with some encouragement, and in the end realizes she is the better person and deserving of someone better. Ah, snap! Well, technically bend, and then snap, but you know what I mean. Or maybe you don't know what I mean because you haven't seen the movie. And if you haven't it's o.k. The "bend and snap" has an 83% chance of the guy asking the girl out to dinner. But that you just have to see to believe. I didn't believe this was a good movie till I watched it. Pink, glitter, and all, I admit, it is still a comfort standby when you need to see life a little less seriously. Now I am off to sleep. Goodnight everyone.

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