Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Strange But True

Hello my darlings a quick thought as I watch stranger than fiction once again.

Did you know that I am afraid of happiness?.. And did you know that although happiness frightens me the finding and then losing of happiness frightens me even more. Like Harold, the protaginist, I hold the ending to my novel, my life. And I finally realize that there are certain situations of fate that are out of my control... And all I can control is how I deal with these circumstances: to stop living is not an option; And, neither is running away. So I come to terms with the tragedy in my life, because as much as I dislike the bad in life, I do understand that to truly enjoy the good in life one must experience the bad as well. So I swallow my tragedy, and face it bravely and scared as hell. No storm lasts forever. It can't. And I comfort myself knowing that if there can be such horrible tragedy in this life, there can only be such wonderful goodness as well. There must be.

So as I am sorry that you must brave the storms of this life, but take comfort knowing there is incredible goodness waiting just ahead (don't ask how I know, I couldn't tell you, I just do know.) There must be. There is.

Hold on my dears. Storms don't last forever.

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