Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Practical Magic

Days pass, they all glide one into another, and before I know it, a week has passed: a month, eight months. Change is good, it breaks up the tediousness. Lately so many things are changing, I wish I had more surety, more stability. I want stability. I want family, I want a home. As always, there is a movie for this, and it always makes me feel better. Practical Magic.
This movie came out when I was.......(thought process:2010-1999=11 years...) Ten years old, going on eleven. I actually remember seeing the poster at the cheap theater inside the mall. I was smart enough to know my mom would never let me watch something with the word magic in the title of it, and sure enough, we didn't see it. I wouldn't end up seeing it until I was nineteen. I watched with two special friends of mine at the time. I had no idea at the time how much this one movie would affect my life. It is about two sisters raised by their crazy/magical aunts, because their father died and their mother died shortly after from a broken heart. The women in their family are cursed by a spell that kills any man that they love. The dark haired sister, Sally, is afraid of love, while the light red-haired sister, Jillian, goes through many guys (none of them going through her.) They grow up learning and practicing magic. Jillian's gift is less pronounced, while Sally's is more visible.
The parallels in this movie are fluent and beautiful. I have three sisters in my life. And this movie speaks to me about each one of them. I would die for each one of them. One of them is my blood, and the other two aren't, but sometimes family are the ones you choose, and you know they feel the same. Every time I watch Practical Magic, I'm reminded of the bond I have with these amazing women, and even though my entire life could be topsy turvy, I feel stable, because I know I have their love. In my journal, I write random things in the top right corner of every page. The page I arrived at today said, "an emotion stronger than love." I thought of a few things that reminded me and lead me to watch this movie today. I thought of family and fear. But I realized that family can be fickle. And fear can be overcome with love and strength. Thinking more on it, I also thought that while love can be many wonderful things, love can also hurt. Any good thing can be a bad thing as well. It only depends on how it is used. This story reflects that theme.
I cry and laugh with these characters, even when Jillian's psycho boyfriend gets murdered, I am reminded of all the times I step back and look at my life and wonder, "Did I Ever imagine that my life would look like this?" The answer is always, "no." I would never have imagined my life would look like it does now.....And you know what? It's o.k. Because I have the love of my sisters. I love each and every one of you, with your magical practicalities and all. God Bless.

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