Good morning everyone, I still cannot possibly get this story out of my mind. I even took my two cousins to go see Brave yesterday. Why?.. I actually am asking myself why I feel so attached to this film. And after watching it yesterday, I have another answer apart from the one I had yesterday. I think I could go on finding reasons I am attached, but that is beside the point.
At the beginning Merida is talking about how some believe fate and destiny is connected through us through the land; how they are weaved together like a tapestry; how it lives in us and how some of us set out to control it.
I have come to realize there are choices we make that lead us to our destiny and to our fate, and there are things we keep running into that we feel we cannot escape from and can't get past. And I have come to realize those are the things that are our fate: the things we keep running into. Fate is a vicious cycle, because it is usually the things that we have come to know day in and day out, every year, sometimes our whole lives: it is all we know, and either we blindly accept it as our destiny; we feel the need to change it, but don't know how or are too scared to; or we recognize the cycle for what it is and realize we are bigger than the cycle and can be better than it and rise out of it. Fate is what it is, fate is the land. But destiny is in us: Destiny is our Very Own Selves: destiny is you and me as individuals deciding how we react to our fate, whether we continue following it in repetitive circles, or whether we break free of it and weave something new.
I'm twenty-three years old and I have managed to survive three monumentally difficult events in my life so far. And it made me realize something important for my life as well; everyone can give you advice, but only you can make the decisions for your life; you have to forget and forgive yourself of your past, and only think of this moment and where you stand and where you want to see yourself end up; you have to take each step yourself, and with each step evaluate it: ask yourself, "O.k. in that moment, I had to do 'this..' and now I am here, and (a) that worked I'm going to keep moving in 'this' direction or (b) that didn't turn out as I expected, I need to move in 'that' other direction now." Sometimes we only know the right way to go by living each moment and taking things step by step, emotion by emotion, knowing who we are, what we can and can't live with and paying the price for being alive. I tell myself every day when between a rock and hard place, that I have to choose the decision that keeps me fighting. Because the day I choose the option that kills me inside or makes me an angry, bitter, or evil person, there is no point to living. I might as well be dead, if I have no fight in me; if I give in to "the dark side..;"if I am slowly killing myself inside.
Everyone deserves happiness. You, me, everyone. They also deserve the truth no matter how difficult and painful. Without truth we cannot reach happiness.
I am in a very melancholy mood, my loves, and my head feels fuzzy, so I will let you go and hope you get to see the boy and his father and grandfather sweeping up stars on the moon tonight.
As Always with sincerity,
Read Riding Hood
- Posted using BlogPress from my iSoul
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