Good Morning Dear World. I am slightly crazy and on a whim picked myself up and drove myself to where I was born.
Think 933 miles or so. I am here now. I hadn't planned on seeing the latest Batman movie when it first comes out, but I sure am hearing a lot of talk about it. And I recently started a piece of art on the former joker, and a line of his popped into my head.
"It's All A Part Of The Plan...."
I just heard about the midnight shooting at the premier of Batman. My heart is breaking; for all those families, for all those men and women and children... I am reminded of all the sadness I grew up with and left here. It really has nothing to do with the shooting, but the shooting itself brought up my own loss and sadness and once again, I am reminded of why I left Aurora. Anyone that has loved and lost, can understand how different situations can conjure up similar emotions from baggage and history. I am seriously waxing sentimental here, and I always was better at writing people love letters, than I ever was just talking to them... until recently, when I found the words (but that is another story for another day.) And right now, I want to write a love letter to Aurora, the woman that took care of me so long, but isn't compatible with me any longer.
Dear Aurora,
I will always love you, you were my first companion and partner. But I am not happy with you. I was born into you, you were my fate. But my destiny lies else where. I stayed with you so long.... I thought you were forever. But, I've had a taste of another place, and I can't live with you any longer. And I know you do not have the strength to let me go, so I will take it upon myself to let go of you first so we both can begin our separate journeys to happiness now. I will stand up and be the example and do this the right way. We are not growing anymore, only staying stagnant. You got me started and I would not be the person I am today without you, and I thank you for that. I know separation hurts, and you are entitled to being bitter and resentful at me, but I hope you can try to see that I am trying to remain truthful and be honest. I know that if I am not honest now, it will only come back to hurt us later, and I would rather hurt now, and not later. So, know that I understand if you are angry and want to lash out at me in hurt and frustration. I understand why you are lashing out, but this is for the best. You don't deserve someone that would just stay with you out of pity and sentiment. You deserve someone that is with you because you love each other. I do not feel that love with you anymore, I have respect and a place for you in my heart always, but that is all I have to give. And you shouldn't accept/settle for that as enough. Never settle for less than love. I am writing from my heart as always. I would never give less than the blood in my veins, and writing is only opening veins and bleeding onto a page. I hope you can believe me, if not today, some day soon. I never thought we would be here, but we are and if you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, I will look at it for you and tell you about it. I promise you it's there, we won't stay on the bottom, we only have up to go from here. Believe me. There is a better world out there, with love and hope and a larger sky than we ever imagined.
Sincerely and always with veritas,
With that my loves, I will sign off, I have bled all I can bleed today.
Do not ever forget to look for the beauty in the world.
It is there, even when all we can see is the evil.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iSoul
Location:Aurora, United States
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