I might as well tell you now!! There are serious Spoiler Alerts in all these reviews...... hmmmm, may have to work on that later on........ But for now... deal with it. Trust me, if I'm reviewing it, it's worth watching. ... Moving on!!!!

So, being my last day off for the next four days (thank god it's not the next six days, ugh) I spent the morning doing my own thing, drawing, coloring, making ringtones, fiddling around with facebook and my facebook page (successfully and unsuccessfully,) and what else, but watching a movie (of course.) Inevitably, I always have a movie in the background. So, my parents had emailed me and said while watching a certain movie, they thought of me because the heroine of the story reminded them of me...
Whether it was the fact she works in a bakery, is for less government, or has a funky personality.. I'm thinking it was probably a collaboration of all those things. The name of its quirky self is Stranger Than Fiction. Starring, Will Ferrel, Emma Thompson, Dustin Hoffman, Queen Latifah, and Maggie Gyllenhaal, it packs a nice cast of characters that carries the unique script on a walk through the park. For all the famous actors boasted on the casting list, it feels like an indy film. It is about a man that measures everything by time, and more specifically by the time on his wristwatch. He goes to sleep at a certain time, wakes up at a certain time, brushes his teeth in so many strokes, jogs so many steps to the bus stop just in time to catch the bus, and arrives at his office building where he is an IRS auditor. Everything is kept short.... and simple. Not short and sweet, just short and simple. He begins to hear a woman's voice (Emma Thompson) that narrates everything he does (very much seeming like the voice of God from the sky... if God's voice were the voice of a woman of course.)
He is beginning to feel chaffed and on the verge of a nervous breakdown after spending days of listening to this voice only he hears (But Hey[!] he's not schizophrenic,) when one day he sets out from his computer desk to audit a woman that works at a small bakery shoppe.
Upon meeting her, he is infatuated.. no....entranced by her... And (of course) the woman narrating describes his feelings perfectly and he catches himself gazing at her in a fog of "love" at first sight. .... His life becomes not so short, and not so simple, but definitely sweet by the end once he has bavarian sugar cookies and the love of his life there feeding them to him.
He discovered, as did his narrator, that it isn't always about the "great" things in life so much as it is about the small things...The things that usually seem just o.k. And the baker girl learns that you can't make a difference in the world if you're locked away for being a fanatic..... Life shouldn't be about how everyone dies in the end.... I mean, c'mon... Everyone dies... But no one lives life the same way.. So, why shouldn't life be about...living life... Focus on life..
My favorite part of the movie, he shows up at her bakery when she is locking up to go home, and he is standing there with a box with about ten paper bags all with different colored labels and she looks at him a bit irritated and suspicious and asks, "What?!" He stumbles over his words and finally manages, "I brought you flours.... I thought you might like that....."

Freaking most awesome original line.....EVER!!!!!! *sigh of contentment*
So, the verdict.... The little things in life are what usually end up saving us in the end, so don't forget about 'em, o.k? Goodnight..........
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