Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hunger Games

Well, hello all. I recently watched the Hunger Games. It was good, but as always, I am disappointed that had I not read some of the first novel, I would've been slightly lost and not understood as clearly what exactly was going on. If you haven't had the chance, to either read the book, or see the movie, I would hope you get to read the book and then see the movie. I know that's the cliché thing to say, but really and truly there are poignant moments that the movie would hold so much more meaning for you if you had the original story read first. Such as, how exactly the whole system works of why certain names are put in the lottery more times than others; or what exactly the history is between Katniss and Peter; what exactly the history is with Katniss and her mother. The movie is still watchable without the book, but to me it would come up lacking.

I did like it however. I always like the futuristic aspect that resembles an earlier America era, and this movie somehow combined modern/futuristic fashion and former era fashion style into an interesting textile to watch.

Aside from fashion, the entire idea of children and adolescents being forced to hunt and to kill each other in a "game" the government forces them to participate in....... is genius and terrifying. The fact it felt so realistic, blew my mind. I think I might go so far as to say it is "modernly epic." I am still mulling over this film, and don't have much more to say about it. But! I at least wanted to say it is worth reading and/or watching.

"May the odds be ever in your favor." ..... well, I don't need "odds, " I make my own destiny; and I hope you make yours as well.

Read Riding Hood

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